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Republican National Committee: Barack Obama: My Pop-Culture Favorites

2008-08-07 11:25:00

    WASHINGTON, Aug. 7 /EMWNews/ -- The following is an

excerpt from an article by Benjamin Svtkey from Entertainment Weekly and is

being released today by the Republican National Committee:

    (LOGO: )

    ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: A lot of your pop culture tastes are already

listed on your Facebook page -- we know you like the first two Godfather

movies and are a big SportsCenter fan -- but we want to get a little more

specific and probing.

    BARACK OBAMA: Absolutely, sure.

    For instance, who's your favorite movie or TV president?

    You know who was a great movie president? Jeff Bridges in The

Contender. That was a great movie president. He was charming and

essentially an honorable person, but there was a rogue about him. The way

he would order sandwiches -- he was good at that.

    Is that one of the things you're looking forward to? Confounding the

White House kitchen staff with obscure sandwich requests?

    Absolutely. I want to test them. I want to see if I can get any

sandwich I want.

    To read the entire story, visit:,,20217406,00.html

    Paid for by the Republican National Committee.

    310 First Street SE, Washington, D.C.20003- (202) 863-8500 -

    Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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Jordan Taylor

Jordan Taylor is Sr. Editor & writer from San Diego, CA. With over 20 years and 2650+ articles edited rest assured your Press Release will see traction.

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