Business News

TriCipher is First to Transfer Smart Card Level Security to Federally Approved SAFE-BioPharma(TM) ‘Roaming’ Credentials

2008-07-15 09:00:00

    SAFE-BioPharma Association First to Offer TriCipher ID Tool ToGo to

                  Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Industries

    LOS GATOS, Calif., July 15 /EMWNews/ -- TriCipher, the strong

authentication company, has created the first SAFE-BioPharma(TM) "roaming"

credential to be accepted by the U.S. Federal Public Key Infrastructure

Policy Authority (FPKIPA), the interagency body that enforces digital

certificate standards for trusted identity authentication across the

federal agencies and between federal agencies and outside organizations.

    In the past, companies had to designate specific computers that could

be used for digital signing, install smart card readers, and distribute

smart cards to authorized users -- an incredibly rigid (and costly)


    For the first time, private companies can quickly authenticate

employees' identities through roaming credentials, which do not require

software or hardware installation or administrative privileges on specific

computers. Available through TriCipher ID Tool ToGo(TM), roaming

credentials enable users to authenticate their identities and digitally

sign business-critical documents from any computer or Internet-enabled

device -- easing one of the biggest barriers to digital signing adoption.

    "Distributed applications and users require flexible identity

management technologies such as roaming credentials," said Gerry Gebel, VP

and service director at Burton Group, an independent technology-industry

analyst company. "The pharmaceutical industry has very challenging

collaboration and secure document exchange requirements and has invested a

great deal of time and effort to improve their business process through

technical innovation."

    Roaming Credentials Eliminate Identity Barriers

    Science Application International Corporation (SAIC) is the first to

deploy SAFE-BioPharma roaming credentials to the pharmaceutical and

healthcare industries using TriCipher's portable, cost-efficient ID Tool

ToGo. Pharmaceutical companies can now simply, securely and more affordably

perform electronic business transactions among one another and with

government agencies, such as the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) and

National Cancer Institute, part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

    TriCipher's roaming credential enables SAFE-BioPharma members'

employees to securely log onto systems and digitally sign documents that

require multifactor authentication. SAFE-BioPharma members, which include

Amgen, AstraZeneca, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Genzyme, GlaxoSmithKline, Johnson

& Johnson, Merck, National Notary Association, Pfizer, Procter & Gamble,

Roche, Sanofi-Aventis and Schering-Plough Corporation, can perform

essential functions such as recording clinical trial results and submitting

paperwork for new drug documentation from any Internet connection.

    "By enabling a mobile credential, TriCipher is simplifying identity

management and the ability to digitally sign electronic documents. Its

technology and the federal acceptance of SAFE-BioPharma's roaming digital

ID will significantly improve business processes in the biopharmaceutical

and healthcare industries and their communications with federal and

international agencies," said Mollie Shields-Uehling, president and CEO,

SAFE-BioPharma Association.

    TriCipher's roaming credential gives users on any system Level 3

assurance, meaning that a high level of trust is established through strong

authentication using at least two independent authenticating factors. The

roaming credential leverages TriCipher ID Tool ToGo, unveiled last year as

the first portable, low-cost authentication solution that could be

delivered on a multi-use device. One part of the user's credential is

generated from ID Tool ToGo, and the other portion is stored on TriCipher's

appliance behind the scenes -- requiring only a standard USB drive with ID

Tool ToGo to authenticate. The credential aligns with the government's

guidance in the National Institute of Standards Technology (NIST) Special

Publications 800-63-1 for Level 3 remote authentication, and meets the

rigorous requirements for a Federal Medium Assurance Commercial Best

Practices identity and digital signing credential.

    "Authentication is following the typical pricing and availability

trends of other technologies, from limited and expensive to more flexible,

convenient and affordable," said John De Santis, TriCipher CEO. "TriCipher

is leading the industry past the peak costs, and making strong security

expected and achievable for organizations of all sizes in all markets."

    About TriCipher

    TriCipher, Inc. provides a unified authentication infrastructure to

protect web and enterprise portals, the people that use them and the

business process that flows through them against fraud and identity theft.

The TriCipher Armored Credential System(TM) (TACS) is the first

authentication system that enables companies to deploy and manage multiple

types of credentials from a single infrastructure. Through this flexible

"Authentication Ladder," TriCipher protects customer investment by

adjusting authentication strength to defeat new threats and to meet

regulatory changes without the need to implement a new infrastructure.

Recently, TriCipher introduced myOneLogin(TM) the first secure on-demand

offering that delivers strong authentication, single sign-on (SSO)

convenience and the ability to seamlessly integrate multiple Software as a

Service (SaaS) applications in a single solution. Founded in 2000,

TriCipher is headquartered in Los Gatos, Calif. The company is funded by

ArrowPath Venture Capital, EPIC Ventures, Intel Capital, RBC Technology

Ventures, and Trident Capital. For more information, visit TriCipher on the

web at

    SAFE-BioPharma(TM) is a trademark of SAFE-BioPharma Association. Any

use of this trademark requires approval from SAFE-BioPharma Association.

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