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Was John Edwards’ Affair Predictable? Authors of “101 Tipoffs THat Your Prince Charming Is Just Another Frog in Disguise” Say Yes.

2008-08-14 02:00:00

News that well known North Carolina Senator and former Democratic Party Vice Presidential Candidate John Edwards had an affair stunned political friends and foes alike. Many found themselves asking, “How could this have happened to such a devoted husband and family man?” A new book and website offered by Redvet Inc. provide some answers.

(EMWNews) August 14, 2008 — Despite his public image as a devoted husband and family man, North Carolina Senator John Edwards’ recent affair should not have come as a surprise, according to the Dave Patrick of Redvet, Inc., publishers of a new website and electronic book on relationships.

In his statement for the media, Edwards admitted to becoming “narcissistic.” Relationship counselors quoted in the book say narcissists often stray, and signs of narcissism are not hard to detect–especially among the prominent and powerful.

almost all of us have experienced relationships that ended in a break up, heartache, and hurt feelings. And every time, we’ve probably looked back and said to ourselves, ‘How could I have not seen this coming? I should have seen the signs. I should have known better…’

Narcissism is just one of dozens of personality traits discussed in “101 Tipoffs That Your Prince Charming Is Just Another Frog in Disguise.” The book lists often-overlooked–or sometimes ignored–warning signs that might eventually lead to a disappointing, unfulfilling, and possibly even ruinous relationship.

A new website was published simulataneously at

The book, website and an accompanying discussion forum are a collaborative effort of a group of freelance writers and contributors with almost 150 years of combined marriage or dating experience. The book is edited by Dave Patrick of Redvet Inc., an electronic publishing company based in San Antonio, TX.

“At one time or another,” Patrick says, “almost all of us have experienced relationships that ended in a break up, heartache, and hurt feelings. And every time, we’ve probably looked back and said to ourselves, ‘How could I have not seen this coming? I should have seen the signs. I should have known better…'”

The ebook and website help women entering a new dating relationship detect clues that they’re probably not about to set sail for a lifetime on the Love Boat. More likely, they’re headed for a voyage on the ‘Romantic Titanic.’

There are more than one hundred “relationship red flags” women can spot before they become more deeply involved–physically, emotionally, and maybe even financially–with a “prince” who’s just going to turn into a “frog” someday.”

The website also includes lists of subtle easy-to-miss behavioral tipoffs that forebode trouble involving narcissism, codependence, bipolar disorder, infidelity, and verbal or physical abuse, along with destructive addictions like alcoholism, drugs, and gambling.

For more information on the book and website, including media interview requests, email Dave Patrick at admin @, or call 210-412-8275.

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Jordan Taylor

Jordan Taylor is Sr. Editor & writer from San Diego, CA. With over 20 years and 2650+ articles edited rest assured your Press Release will see traction.

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