wedding ring emergency GoFundME Booster
Hello, my name is Kenneth Nicholson, and I am the sponsor of the gofund me the story behind the reason of the campaign for raising money is due to financial hardship. The ring is something that my love really really wanted and I had promise it to them. But due to some financial issues, I couldn’t come up with the money upfront.. my love works out of state due to work, and we don’t get to see each other very often.. I promised to have the ring by September when we finally got to see each other, however I need to pay the money upfront so they can have the ring ready for the deadline..
I know that maybe I was a little over my head for when I made the promise, but the resources I had for the ring fell through and ended up causing me to not have the money.. I’ve literally tried everything and this is my only hope. So if you could please kindly take a look at my go fund me that would be great. Thank you for your time have a blessed day