Crowd Funding News

Bring Magan Home GoFundMe Boost ViralExposure EMWNews

On October 28th at around 12:30 pm HST we received the worst information any parent should hear. Our 29 year old daughter, Magan, or Samantha as her friend knew her by, was found dead in her friends home in Tijuana Mexico. For a very long time Magan had been in situations that were not always the best for her. When her daddy ended up with cancer she had decided it was time to clean up and get home to help us with her dad and pregnant younger sister. The last time we spoke on this was October13th. She had told us she was coming home.
After finding out from the American Consultant, Mexico has different rules regarding the death of an American, we have to hire a funeral home in order to get our daughter home. After battling my husband cancer we are left with nothing and no way to pay all the expenses involved. We are running out of time. We do not want our daughter to be another lost soul left in the very place that swallowed her whole due to bureaucracy and financial hardship. We just want to bring her home so that we can finally be all at peace.

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