
Cherokee Ranch a place for un wanted Farm animals GoFundME Booster Promotion CrowdFunding Campaign

we are a place for unwanted farm animals , we do not eat any of them, we give them love . feed . hay and meds and some a forever home , we had a pick up but when we were going to pick up some animals we were hit head on by a person that had no Insurance . Now we need money to replace it . we are not going for a new one we can not afford that we can not afford any more payments . we work with Swansea mill for 12 years they have helped with credit we pay once a month over the years it has gone up t0 about 500.00 a month , electric about 400.00 a month I live off of SSI and so does Royce , I have maxi out my credit cards . but every month I pray to God for help now I am asking for your help too . I know there a lot of people places and things in need out there BUT PLEASE THINK OF THESE ANIMALS we do not kill them in 2 weeks like some , they have a home and if one dies I cry and we have no cages just fence to keep out hurtful things and people Thank you

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