
Help for escape from Domestic Violence GoFundME Booster Promotion CrowdFunding Campaign

I am doing this fundraiser because life has thrown a rough curve ball for someone I’m very close to and we’re in need of a bit of help to work it out.

I live in London, UK and need to travel to U.S. to stay for a couple weeks in order to best support people I love dearly, another person who is also a loved one will be staying for a month starting in August, I will follow shortly after them.

This is intentionally vague for safety reasons. I will be assisting someone leaving a very long term domestic violence relationship. She has been living in this situation for many years and it has now escalated to the point where she has to leave. She relies on disability benefits and will be relying on us and this fundraiser to be able to restart her life independently and safely.

This situation is complex and will take emotional, financial and physical tolls on everyone involved. If you know me very well you may know specifics but it isn’t safe for many details to be shared publicly. Due to the nature of how these situations can manifest we have had little warning so everything is expensive. There will be two of us traveling, one from many states away and myself. we not only need help for us to get there and back, lodging, etc, but the woman leaving the DV situation is in need of support from you all to start her life fresh and thrive. Any help you provide will go directly to assisting her, and us as her immediate safety support team, so as not be stressed about the last min finance aspect of this ordeal.

All funds are to support the woman escaping her home and the two of us supporting. At this time we are unsure of the costs to come, there will be legal help needed but we are searching for grants to help with that, there may be need for another fundraiser but at this time we are keeping it to getting her removed from danger and setting up a fresh start

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