Help my Family after Harvey Won GoFundME Booster Promotion CrowdFunding Campaign
My name is Robert Guill and my Wife is Jennifer. We have a son that is 8 years old and two dogs a poodle and a Brussels Griffin. We lost everything in our apartment due to flooding waters. We had enough time to get out our dogs and a trashbag of clothes. We have been staying with my sister and her husband, which God knows isn’t easy for them. Our apartment management has not been in contact with us except for a note left on the door. The note just said Since the Flood has occurred rent is due on the 11th now and we will be assessing the damage after the labor day weekend. We have lost our couch, loveseat, chair, our Sons bed, a queen bed, clothes, countless other things but as I write this I am sure there are people worse off but this has devastated us. We just would like to get some symbol of a normal life back. I don’t think we will have a safe living environment in a long while which is scary for us. I want to move back in the apartment but then I have been told not too due to mold and I don’t want my son sick. I don’t want to ramble on anymore. Please feel free to help in anyway and God Bless you.