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Hotel bills Influencer $7.3 Million, Elle Darby asks for Free Room

Dublin’s White Moose Cafe and Charleville Lodge are making headlines for taking a bold stance against influencer culture. When YouTuber Elle Darby requested a complimentary stay in exchange for promotion on her social media channels, the hotel’s owner, Paul Stenson, declined the offer and explained the potential costs associated with hosting an influencer. In response, Stenson banned all bloggers from his business in a humorous Facebook post.

Hotel bills YouTube Influencer $7.3 million, Elle Darby aka Elle Smith asks for Free Room
Hotel bills YouTube Influencer $7.3 million, Elle Darby aka Elle Smith asks for Free Room

Since then, the saga has gone viral, and Stenson is now billing Darby for the publicity she received from their exchange. Stenson posted a picture of a bill he plans to send to Darby, charging her €4.3 million for “the provision of features in 114 articles across 20 countries with a potential reach of 450 million people.” This move has garnered attention for the hotel, and Stenson notes that actual payment must be made rather than just mentions in videos.

While the situation may have started as an awkward exchange, it has turned into a savvy marketing move for the White Moose Cafe and Charleville Lodge.

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Jerry Cruz

Tops SEO Expert, Social Media Influencer and Editor. Having published and edited more than 4700+ Articles in the last 6 years definately a PRO!

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