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Humanitarian Report Cultivating Hope in Chaos the Crisis in Nicaragua

Humanitarian Report Cultivating Hope in Chaos the Crisis in Nicaragua

LOS ANGELES, CA August 16, 2018 – War torn Nicaragua has taken its toll on the once flourishing South American gem. Practically every industry is dead. Tourism, foreign investments, let alone any interest at all from the rest of the world is all but gone. Natural resources have been ravaged by war. Agriculture is on a dire slow march literally below the ground.

Socio-economic shocks, technogenic catastrophes, and armed conflicts often have drastic impacts on local and regional food security through disruption of agricultural production and food trade, reduced investments, and deterioration of land and infrastructure.

Luckily there is a person that brings hope to revive the agricultural sector of Nicaragua. Scott Harmon has a multi-faceted project. His background is in permaculture or in other words sustainable agriculture. The money that he will raise will go toward a few things. One will be setting up a piece of land, probably an acre or two. He has money for a down payment and a regular income to pay it off over time. He also plans to employ as many people as he can and in the process teach the people how to grow food responsibly, working with nature and not against it. Eventually he will give actual classes and workshops in the future on this topic. His final goal is to have a functioning farm with workshops and tours to show the effectiveness of the techniques (farming, education and eco-tourism combined). Other money will go to helping people in their general needs, whether it be money to get their business back up and running or for necessary medicines.

Such a noble and worthy cause but obviously he cannot do it alone. It’s not like the ever-controversial Monsanto Company (NYSE: MON) would jump in and help him, no chance in hell would those demons even consider.
He needs your support.

You can support Scott Harmon and his multi-faceted project by visiting GoFundME https://www.gofundme.com/v2scd6-crisis-in-nicaragua and help him literally in growing a nation.

Permalink:  https://emwnews.com/humanitarian-report-cultivating-hope-in-chaos-the-crisis-in-nicaragua/

KeyWords: GoFundME, Scott Harmon, medicine, permaculture, eco-tourism, NYSE: MON, Monsanto Company, Socio-economic shocks, technogenic catastrophes, and armed conflicts

Scott Harmon
thisisfizban @ yahoo  com
Twitter: @ScottHa55665467

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