Crowd Funding News

My princess bella needs a helping hand GoFundME ViralExposure Booster Campaign

Hello, my name is Chris.  I am the step father of Isabella Sky Whitaker.  I fell in love with this little firecracker the day her mother (my fiancé) Dana Whitaker introduced her to me.  She’s been here for me to rub my face or hold my hand when I am having a bad day, she always knows how to put a smile on my face, even when I had to change those god awful diapers of hers .

She has grown into a beautiful little princess that loves to run around back and forth throughout the house singing at the top of her lungs. Unfortunately two weeks ago Bella, my fiancé  and her sister Leah were involved in a horrible car accident.  Dana,  and Bella’s 7 year old big sister are ok.  Bella’s little 4 year old body couldn’t handle the impact and has left her with spinal injuries,  a mucus plug, a paralyzed diaphragm that doesn’t allow her to breath on her own, and extensive nerve damage rendering her left side of her body unable to move.  Bella spends her days and night getting test after test, treatment after treatment and procedure after procedure.

She had  surgery to stabilize her spine in hopes of healing the muscles connecting her neck and head. We are currently trying to get her to breath on her own again, therefore starting a long journey of physical therapy once she is able to breath on her own again.  We know she will come out on top, but It has been a tough ride for this little energetic angel. Bella loves My Little Pony and has had her LOL doll clinched in her tiny hand throughout her hospital stay. Her mother and I have been traveling back and forth each day (in a rental car) due to our vehicle being totaled from the accident.

Driving from Kokomo to Indianapolis to be by her side (have to go home to feed and spend a few minutes with our dog Blue).  Dana and I are currently out of work to be by her side in the hospital and it will be tough for us to supply her with everything she needs upon departure from the hospital and to pay all necessary hospital Bill’s once we get back to our home for further healing.  Any assistance is greatly appreciated, please share her story with friends and family through Facebook instagram and twitter.

thank you so much for taking the time to read Bella’s story and please keep her in your prayers!!!!!!

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