

I am raising money to help me with treatment and medical co pays for a very rare blood disorder Hereditary Angioedema Type3.

This disorder makes my body swell up at random mainly my tongue lips and airway. Just since the month of June I have been intubated around 20 times and put on a ventilator in order to breath. Hospital stays are becoming more frequent and lasting longer driving up costs.

I have depleted my savings account paying co pays and hospital stays . The medications that treat hereditary angioedema are amongst the most expensive in the world. I am looking to raise money to help me pay for my treatment but also any funding left over from this go fund me I am going to be donating to the USHAEA.

HAEA is the organization that is at the forefront of research and development for Hereditary Angioedema treatments and medications. They are always working to get medications and treatments approved by the FDA.  My hope is that with their continuous research will be able to help other people some day. So that others with this diagnosis do not end up with a tracheotomy like I have . Every single donation counts in helping to #standupstrong4hae

Thank you all in advance for your donations

With warm regards

Christopher Durand

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