Hi All my name stephen scheldt
I am a founder of Abandon Castles Awareness On twitter Started 2012
Photo Above is abandoned castle in france One many hundred of Castles that Need to Be Save and Restore.
I like to promote this on a global scale to let people know what is Happening in Uk & Europe Castles.
By doing this Promotion it Get Notice by Public and by Media it Draw People worldwide.
In a need help maintain and rebuild some great castles uk europe
Now Gwrych wales abandoned castle needs lots of rebuilding and love The Video that you have just seen
That castle is one many castle that needs help as well
By helping in a Donation I can spread News what is happening to all castles on social media.
$2 to any amount of a Donation will move mountains if the global community get in and help
any surplus of funds will go to gwrych castle project to help maintain and to rebuild & restore castle.
Can you help me spread the abandoned castles awareness to the world.