Crowd Funding News

Help Goddess Escape Homelessness and Reunite with Family GoFundMe Boost ViralExposure EMWNews

I fell victim to a theft 2 months ago that ate away 1/2 of my entire savings (2710 stolen) and eliminated the budget I had to get my own vehicle. Since then I have just been having to eat away at my savings to survive to try to make it to this job that I had lined up. (A well paying seasonal farm gig in N.Cali)

But as of 11/09 that job fell through! Unfortunately the employment that I had lined up was also my housing and transportation resource for the next couple of months. This news was especially devastating as I am recently divorced and already dealing with all of the loss and Trauma and adjustments from that.

And now, Im ashamed to report, I am out of savings and pretty desperate. What I REALLY need is to reroute, to get away and take care of myself for once. That’s what I should have used my savings on instead of letting myself get distracted with the daily grind here. My overall health including emotional and spiritual has been really bad all year (an especially bad year, after 2 awful years, for my PTSD and depression with no access to help.) And I’m barely functioning enough to support myself. I’ve had to separate from my ex partner and child, for the time being, due to my illness and it hurts me everyday.

Anything that goes towards this fundraiser will be going towards my Escape and encorage me to continue another day. I can’t keep existing as a burden like this to my loved ones the way I am now.

Where am I going with these funds?

I need to go to Mexico where I can afford Healthcare and a stable living situation. I have a friend to stay with and I’m just trying to get to her. But I do need to be able to support myself when I get there, and now that I don’t have that job lined up, that way of replacing my savings has down the tube with it. That’s why I’m asking for the amount that I am. It’ll be just enough for me to support myself for the first couple months,  and save as a down payment for my own place there, while I receive the professional help that I need so I’ll be more capable of supporting myself in the near future. I definitely need this because I’m not well enough to survive in Atlanta, this season especially. I really need actual help. I’m not going to be able to receive any sort of real healthCare here because the system doesn’t care, and my qualifications causes me to fall through the cracks of the system. In Mexico, I’ll be in a stable enough situation to where I would actually be able to build and grow. 2000 of what I’m asking for will be going directly towards a down payment on my own place in Mexico, so by the summer I will have a place for my child to be able to come and visit me.

I’m having to reroute entirely with the news of this lost job. I am working hard job-hunting more locally now trying to find housing along with anyway to save up while trying to simultaneously survive.

Every little bit helps and will be going straight towards savings so I can escape to Mexico as soon as possible. Tysm for reading and your consideration and your help.

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