Michelle’s weight-loss skin surgery GoFundME Booster Promotion CrowdFunding Campaign CrowdFundingExposure Viral Exposure
My wife, Michelle, has done an incredible job with being able to lose weight after gastric bypass. Even after gaining some of the weight back she has been able to work on her own and lose 120 lbs through diet and exercise (260 total since the surgery!)
The last step is being able to get surgery for the excess skin that all the weight loss brought because of the impacts (both physical and mental) it can cause. Unfortunately, despite the potential health issues the excess skin can cause, insurance will only cover half of the surgery costs.
To a person who has never weighed this little in her life, to be able to live a life that most people take for granted has been amazing, but not being able to get this surgery for this last step is still difficult to handle and keep motivation for going forwards.
The amount we have set is just for dealing with the critical areas of the arms and stomach. Hopefully you can help. Anything you can contribute to help us meet our goal and allow Missy to complete a dream. I hope you will be able to help us!