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The Poems of Common Sense Book


The poems of Common sense book is an incredible book consisting of twenty-one poems. One part of the book is the English version. The other part of the book is the French version. Each poem has its own flower. Anyone would love these poems as they stand for our everyday lives. These are the most outstanding and motivated poems of our lifetime

Note from the book:
“The most important things as humans living in this world is to educate ourselves and educate others, live better lives on this earth, and learn from each other as we grow each day in our lives. The explanation of some people to live better lives is to be wealthy or have things that other people have. Life is simple to all of us if we try to look at it the way it is. Life makes things easier if we just go with the flow and let it take us whichever way it takes us. Every one of us needs to look after ourselves and live our lives the best way we can and make life as easy as possible. But, we need to make sure we do the right things in this world, on this earth, as we are living”.

Free reading of one of the poems in the book

Brave WWI and II Soldiers
I hear your sounds and echoes.
I hear your voices.
I hear your peace of mind and quietness.
I feel your pain and suffering.
Brave WWI and II Soldiers
You fought for us.
You gave your lives for us.
You carried our heavy pain.
You sacrificed yourselves for us.
Brave WWI and II Soldiers
You gave us what we could not have.
You made us who we are now.
Your souls will never be forgotten.
Now, you all are wearing white uniforms and laying peacefully.
For you, we give thanks and may your spirits rest in peace!

For $1, you read 42 poems to support this author who wrote the best poem for the WWI & WWII soldiers.
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