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U.S. Conference of Mayors President Miami Mayor Manny Diaz Announces Mayors ’08 Action Forums in Five American Cities
2008-07-16 10:29:00
Press Conference Thursday, July 17th in Miami WASHINGTON, July 16 /EMWNews/ -- U.S. Conference of Mayors President Miami Mayor Manny Diaz, along with USCM Executive Director and CEO Tom Cochran, will announce on Thursday, July 17, the Mayors '08 Action Forums -- a National Tour in five major American cities to be held in the weeks leading up to the Presidential election. The forums will be held in the following cities - Philadelphia, Los Angeles, New York, Chicago and Miami -- to forge an action agenda for urban America to be presented to the next President of the United States during the critical first 100 days of the new administration. Diaz, the newly-elected President of the mayors' organization believes "National problems demand national investments." Between August and October, the mayors' action forums will focus on five areas that mayors believe are in need of significant federal investment: crime, poverty, arts, infrastructure, and environment. Senior advisors with Senator Obama's and Senator McCain's campaigns will be invited to attend each of the forums. The first forum on crime is scheduled for August 5-6 in Philadelphia. This will be followed by forums on poverty in Los Angeles, infrastructure in New York City, arts in Chicago, and environment in Miami on October 4. WHO: USCM President Miami Mayor Manny Diaz USCM Executive Director and CEO Tom Cochran Miami Police Chief John Timoney, President of the National Police Executive Research Forum (PERF) WHAT: PRESS CONFERENCE: Mayors '08 Action Forums: National Tour to Five U.S. Cities WHEN: Thursday, July 17th at 12:30 p.m. WHERE: Grove Isle Hotel - Biscayne Room 4 Grove Isle Drive Coconut Grove, FL 33133
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