Business News

Workers at Port of Decatur Begin Enrollment for Federal Port Security Credential



2008-07-17 12:42:00

DECATUR, AL–(EMWNews – July 17, 2008) – Port and longshore workers, truckers, and

others at the Port of Decatur, are now able to enroll in the Department of

Homeland Security’s Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC)

program. The program’s goal is to ensure that any individual who has

unescorted access to secure areas of port facilities and vessels has

received a thorough background check and is not a security threat.

“The start of enrollment here is one more step in our effort to prevent

persons who are a threat from gaining access to secure areas of port

facilities,” said Maurine Fanguy, TWIC program director for the

Transportation Security Administration (TSA). “We appreciate the support of

our partners at the Port of Decatur for helping to make one of the world’s

most advanced interoperable biometric systems a reality.”

More than 140 ports have begun enrollment in the nationwide program.

Ultimately, the program will be rolled out to 147 enrollment centers and

will vet more than 1.2 million maritime transportation system workers

through April 2009.

The TWIC enrollment center is located at the Tennessee Valley Training

Center, 115 Woodall Rd., Decatur, AL, 35601. Hours of operation are

Monday-Friday, 7 a.m.-4 p.m.

Workers are able to pre-enroll for TWIC online at or the

Coast Guard’s Homeport site, Pre-enrolling speeds

up the process by allowing workers to provide biographic information and

schedule a time to complete the application process in person. This

eliminates waiting at enrollment centers and reduces the time it takes to


For more information about TSA, please visit our Web site at

Jordan Taylor

Jordan Taylor is Sr. Editor & writer from San Diego, CA. With over 20 years and 2650+ articles edited rest assured your Press Release will see traction.

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