Crowd Funding News

Chasing My Dream

Everyone has big dreams they want to achieve, but they end up letting it fade alway. I’ve had this big dream that will change not only me but others too. It may take some time, but we will get there. Money is the only problem that stops us from achieving our goal. I would appreciate it if you guys helped me out to achieve it. Any amount of money will help, and I would like to thank you in advance for reading this and donating if you do.

Once you’ve read my story you might of asked yourself why would I donate money to a random? Helping someone doesn’t hurt. Once I hit my goal I will start with my project that will help others in need too. So please we can do it together, thank you. It’s a big world to discover, let’s do this.

I’m trying to make my mother proud too. She’s been stressing out for some time now she’s never been on vacation either. I’ve been trying to make life easier for her, but my goal will fix many problems in our life, not only ours but others too.This gives me so much motivation too chase my dream. I want to everyone proud who believed in me.And with everyone’s help we’ll get there in no time, I can’t thank you guys enough if you donate and share this. Let’s help each other to reach our dreams we’ve always strived for.

I will keep everyone on updated on how it goes, thank you everyone in advance.

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