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I have known Gill for several years as I came across his work doing my own research. Gill has dedicated his life to the research and information he freely presents to all. Gill is a humble, modest man and would NEVER ask or tell anyone his problems or ask for help. In the picture I used of him he is sitting in his home, with huge issues and the background is a sheet he uses as a background. Gill’s research benefits all of humankind. Gill left the oil and Gas Industry as an Engineer while on a project in China and has spent close to 15yrs working on his research. He works tirelessly on his presentations to prepare any and all for what is to come.
Gill has numerous and serious health issues and is without health coverage, I have done all that I can and now I am asking all of you for a simple request. Gill uses an aging MacBook Pro laptop, it fails intermittently, needs new software packages as well as new accessories to run it. One look at Gills site and video’s will tell a story of a lifetime and his information is free to download. A fully loaded out the best money can buy Macbook Pro15-inch Pro – Silver costs $4995.00 leaving some money for software needed to continue his work.