Laptop for college CrowdFunding Booster
I know it’s selfish to ask, but I’m just trying to save my parents a few bucks. This is my senior year and I’m going to go of to college soon, and the year so far has been pretty expensive. I just want to help and the little way that I can. My parents are going to be in the process of paying for college and getting me a car and money is tight so I don’t want to ask them to get me a laptop for school they are already stress as it is. I just want to go school with something that can help me in my studies work hard and get me and my parents out of our situation. So please for any of you kind hearted people that know how important education is please help out. I didn’t want to ask for more then 1.1k because I didn’t want to take money away from people that needed it more than me. So on that note all I can say is thank you for your help.