Living Expenses Help
My name is Ashley Agona I’m 18 years old and about a year ago I was diagnosed with severe Crohn’s Disease. I made this go fund me page because ever since I have been diagnosed with my Crohn’s Disease I have been very ill and unable to function normally. I live with my single mother who works to support us and since I’m so ill and can not get out of bed and work to help support my family, my mom had to start taking care of me at home. My mom ended up losing her job because she has to stay home and take care of me and now we can’t afford our living expenses. My struggles of my Crohn’s Disease caused my mother and I under a lot of financial struggles that we can’t afford. It would mean the world to me to get any kind of donation to help towards the living expenses and be able to somehow support us and keep our home. It would also mean a lot to me to be able to help my mother after everything she lost and has done for me in order to help me while I’m very ill. Thank you.