Crowd Funding News

Reaching Out To Save Those Who Feel Forgotten!

We The People and “One Nation Under God” are two foundational statements that must be upheld both here in America and also extended to the world as an example of true liberty. Here is an overview of the introduction and purpose of my non-profit organization.

I Michael Johnson, recently registered a non-profit organization with the irs within the month of May 2018. I’m currently still in the process of organizing everything, but am in need of the financial support. However, the purpose of Overseas Rescue Missions ORM is to bring to each community’s attention locally and worldwide the importance of caring for the needs of each member of the community. Furthermore on a spiritual note, from a christian perspective, to bring those who are lost in this world because they are without God back to Him through the saving grace of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

This Organization however is open to all(without discrimination), to meet all the needs of all who are suffering from a lack of food, drink, clothing, proper healthcare, housing, education, transportation, employment opportunities, finances etc. Once we are able to organize worldwide community awareness on how we all can work together and then all those within the community that has the resources assist those who do not have even the basic necessities, then we will make a huge positive impact in the lives of many that would have otherwise died without hope(REMEMBER THE REAFFIRMING WORDS OF JESUS CHRIST “THOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOUR AS YOURSELF!”).

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