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Mark Levin: Says “Wow” in Response to FINRA Bank Data Breach Lawsuit & Peterson-Garvey Case Stonewalling

Mark Levin Says Wow in Response to FINRA Bank Data Breach Lawsuit on Capitol Hill

A right-wing Muslim-American solicitor sues U.S. presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders and 37 other parties after ‘AUSA’ negligently sent him unsecured FINRA data

, December 18, 2019 /EMWNews.com/   According to last week’s public notice published by Peterson’s publicist, and the actual federal complaint, Cary Lee Peterson v. Foster Garvey P.C., et al. (C.A. No. 1:19-CV-03662 (D.C. District, U.S.) filed on Capitol on earlier this month, the ‘Seton Hall Mafia’, with the help of a corporate attorney at FINRA, allegedly (illegally) obtained consumer account data from E*Trade, TD Ameritrade, USAA and Charles Schwab- ‘unredacted’ social security numbers and trading account numbers that belonged to stockbrokers, businesses, and military veterans- manufactured by FINRA without a court order or privacy waivers, used in an extraordinary effort to sentence Peterson to imprisonment for 52 months at ‘FCI Sheridan’ (a U.S. penal institution), despite the trial and sentencing judge, Anne E. Thompson (86) attesting that, “true,” there was no evidence known to the court to show that Peterson had come into any proceeds by means of fraud, “but potentially could have.”


The sensitive data, referred to as “Information” in the Peterson-Garvey lawsuit had been used and transferred through unsecured means without any sort of court order, privacy waivers from the banks or investment account holders, or financial and personal redaction- to the point where the FINRA produced ‘Information’ was lost within the New Jersey Department of Corrections, where Peterson had been detained by the US Marshal prior to being sentenced this time a year ago.

According to case documents, Peterson, who was publicly charged for securities fraud (stock market business), confronted FINRA, the Securities & Exchange Commission, the U.S. Attorney General, U.S. District Judge Anne Thompson; and the prosecuting attorney, AUSA Ari Fontecchio and his trial attorney about the “manifest error”, two days before his sentencing hearing- but it went ignored, resulting in Peterson’s hail-mary attempt for the public interest- and in the interest of justice, to obtain an emergency injunction order to strike the derivative evidence known as the ‘FINRA Blue Sheet data’ from the record- and place the sensitive ‘Information’ under seal to protect the sensitive financial data and identities of 163 securities bank account customers who had no idea that their complete social security numbers, investment bank account numbers, and physical addresses were potentially in the hands of several criminals (the prisoners)- some who may have knowledge or criminal connections to turn a list of stock trading accounts of stockbrokers, businesses, and (financially-comfortable) military veterans into an identity theft goldmine. Hence, something that would contrarily be an identity theft nightmare for the banks, businesses, account holders, and stockbrokers (who are licensed stock traders that manage several client accounts at once).


The Federal senior judge (Hon. Judge Anne E. Thompson of the New Jersey District), who was nominated as a federal district judge by President Jimmy Carter (1979?), looked at a copy of the FINRA Blue Sheet data presented by Peterson, at the sentencing hearing, and questioned how he came into contact with the ‘Information’- and said that the FINRA documents (that were initially included with FINRA attorney Deborah Oremland’s sworn declaration), presented to the court by U.S. Attorney Craig Carpenito’s office (nearly six months after the jury trial), ‘should have been redacted.’

Subsequently, she immediately ordered an ex-parte judicial chamber meeting that excluded Peterson, only minutes after Peterson had fired his defense counsel, and had been sworn in under oath to represent himself at a sentencing hearing.

The private chamber meeting lasted about 20 minutes, according to a news reporter who attended Peterson’s sentencing and reported on the ‘Information’ leaked into a New Jersey prison by the U.S. Attorney.

Surprisingly, Judge Thompson rescinded Peterson’s right to represent himself at sentencing, forced him to be represented by the attorney that he had just fired (for a Client-Attorney conflict of interest), and neglected to address the FINRA Blue Sheet issue, or the several ‘PSR Addendum’ objections from Peterson and his attorney, which is a mandatory procedure under federal laws on sentencing (known as ‘Rule 32’).


(How else)…Politics; a political scandal- with the help of a few hired media hitmen on Capitol Hill.

According to court papers, the Peterson-Garvey lawsuit derived from an issue in the controversy between presidential hopeful Sen. Bernie Sanders, his attorney Brad Deutsch of Foster Garvey P.C. (formerly known as Garvey Schubert Barer,(Peterson-Garvey mutual associate) Thomas (“T.K.”) Klein (an Ohio media mogul); and lobbyist Cary Peterson- a political activist who formerly ran a pro-Sanders super PAC, in efforts to launch a fourth national political party committee (‘lndependent National Committee’ and an official “Indie Party” congressional caucus), as Sanders was one of two independent party members of the Congress- and by law, at least one member of the Congress is required to start an official congressional caucus committee- and Sanders, unlike (independent party) Sen. Angus King of Maine, had an interest in considering a presidential bid back in 2016.

Also, court papers show that in September 2015, right before the release of a new James Bond (series) flick on the big screen, actor Daniel Craig donated almost $50,000 to the pro-Sanders PAC ran by Peterson, which caused Center for Public Integrity to publish several news articles that particularly made statements, that Peterson told the court, were ‘fabricated’ and ‘defamatory’.


According to court papers from 13 relative cases on the Peterson-Garvey Ordeal, high profile associates of the (alleged) Seton Hall Mafia have been taking grotesquely (‘extraordinary’) efforts in stonewalling Peterson’s several attempts made over the last year, to obtain a court-ordered seal and injunction in New Jersey and Oregon, where principal co-defendants Foster Garvey and Seton Hall University are located.

Whereas, more recently, findings and federal law (Title 2 of U.S. Codes) made this James Bond media-hyped controversy a particular interest of the United States Congress, being that both, Peterson, Deutch- and their law firms, are registered with the Congress and the Federal Election Commission to conduct federal lobbying and federal election activities- and obviously, Bernard Sanders is an elected member of the U.S. Senate. Therefore, giving the District of Columbia jurisdiction on the subject matter and the actors, alone.

In the present, the initial pleading of the civil action has been filed, demanding a jury trial, but no trial date has been scheduled.

Mark Levin, the host of the syndicated radio show The Mark Levin Show, as well as Life, Liberty & Levin on Fox News, has over 700,000 followers and ‘likes’ for LevinTV among Facebook and Twitter, where he was in ‘wow’ of a news share posting on the Peterson-Garvey data breach lawsuit, that he approved.

*updated Dec 18, 2019


Public Notice – Civil Action Filed for Data Breach; Cary Lee Peterson v. Foster Garvey P.C., et al. (D.C. Cir.) (December 10, 2019)

Court order denying release of political prisoner leads to demand for liberty or death sentence (October 15, 2019)

FBI agree to release classified reports on lobbyist tied to Bernie Sanders Scandal (September 25, 2019)

U.S. Attorney General reopens case on classified FBI reports linked to Bernie Sanders Scandal & lobbyist (September 19, 2019)

Fed Chief Judge Orders Recast of Trial Judges in Deadlocked SEC Case (August 12, 2019)

Fed Judge Helps US Attorney Leak Bank Records into New Jersey Jail (January 4, 2019)

David De Livera Interview with Super PAC Man Cary Lee Peterson (September 19, 2016)

Media Contact
David De Livera
ddelivera [at] journalist.com

Keywords: Cary Lee Peterson, FCI Sheridan, Huffpost, Seton Hall University, Bernie Sanders, Data Breach, Finra, Mark Levin

Permalink:  https://www.emwnews.com/feature/mark-levin-says-wow-in-response-to-finra-bank-data-breach-lawsuit-on-capitol-hill.html

 Industry : Banking, Government, Legal

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