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Update Disqualified Federal Judges Deny Inmate Jury Trial on BOP COVID-19 Outbreak Lawsuit Robert Peterson & Fields Associates

LAS VEGAS, Oct. 15, 2020 (EMWNews) — Two federal judges at the United States District Court for the Nevada District, that were statutorily disqualified for financial interests related to the Bernie Sanders campaign, participated in the ‘sua sponte’ order of dismissal and judgment (in favor of ‘nil dicit’ nonmovants) against an African-American political activist in a civil action related to ‘cruel and unusual punishment’ and Bivens’ claims by federal inmates– a civil rights lawsuit with respect to sensitive government documents (misfiled by the U.S. Attorney in Montana) regarding a Hispanic prisoner who tested positive with the COVID-19 virus but was never told he was infected by the BOP, or allowed release on his 90-day home confinement pass approved by a federal prison official (https://news.yahoo.com/news/coronavirus-prison-outbreak-seattle-fdc-090000729.html)– resulting in court papers [filed], that are presumed to tunnel to a COVID-19 outbreak (cover-up) at the Federal Bureau of Prisons’ federal detention center in Seattle, which found their way to the back to the court dockets of (indirectly) related lawsuits in federal district courts in District of Columbia and Nevada.

The ‘legally impossible’ order and judgment ruled in favor of multiple co-defendants– who at no time acknowledged being served with the initial civil complaint or subpoenas as to CARY LEE PETERSON v. JOHN DOE 1, ET AL. (C.A. No. 20-cv-00808, 9th Cir. U.S.D.C. Nevada, May 2020)– was abetted by United States Magistrate Judge Brenda Weksler, and decreed by United States District Court Judge Richard Franklin Boulware. This [unusual] type of court ruling (without the opposing party’s participation or request) usually only occurs when bogus or outrageous lawsuit claims from sue-happy complainants who have little-to-no evidence to support their claims of civil rights deprivation, tort, or injury- (usually quasi-schemes after large money awards).

Contrarily, Peterson’s initial civil complaint sought non-monetary relief; i.e. a ‘TRO’ against ‘John Doe 1′; subpoenas for testimonies from Sanders’ attorney and “TK,” and relevant documents related to Peterson’s interaction with FEC, Congress, Foster Garvey, and FBI (i.e. reports accessible under the FOIA Act); and answers from the defendants as to why they felt they had merit or jurisdiction to do what they were accused of doing. And in this instance, the [automatic] dismissal of a civil complaint, and judgment against Peterson begot a series of news coverage, days prior, about a leak of government records made by an assistant U.S. attorney in Montana, unveiling evidence of a COVID-19 cover-up in the U.S. Department of Justice and Federal Bureau of Prisons (https://apnews.com/globe-newswire/e6e339872cef83466d3bf2bd18a35349).

Court papers show that Cary Lee Peterson, a registered (civil rights) lobbyist at United States Congress, filed a notice of complaint about Biven claims, entrapment, property injury, and tort, with the U.S. District Court for the Nevada District, February 4, 2020, while incarcerated at Nevada Southern Detention Center (Pahrump, Nv.). Thereafter, he followed up with a civil complaint in May, upon him being transferred to FDC SeaTac (Seattle, WA.). But Peterson’s May ’20 complaint included new findings and discovery on cruel and unusual punishment and federal inmate abuse related to the COVID-19 pandemic, which did not come about until March ‘20.

Despite Peterson’s civil complaint requesting a jury trial, and subpoenas for relevant documents associated with an FBI FOIA Act violation appeal case ruled in favor of Peterson at AG Bill Barr’s Office, Sep. ’19 (https://news.yahoo.com/fbi-agree-release-classified-reports-165824979.html), Judges Weksler and Boulware ignored his requests and moved to foreclose on the case in July, after he notified the court that he was unable to adequately communicate with the court, prepare legal documents, or consult with his legal representatives, while the prison was still under full-day (cell isolation) lock-down measures that began in March [and remain active at present].

In August, Peterson filed a detailed legal brief, including [new] ‘character evidence’ to prove claims against defendants, a notice of an amended civil complaint, and a motion to recast judges and change the case’s venue from Las Vegas to Reno, due to his finding of disqualifying [judicial] relationships related to Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign.

However, Peterson’s affidavit and disclosure on the federal statutory order [i.e. 28 U.S.C. 144 and 455] that disqualified Judges Weksler and Boulware went ignored. Hence a month after Peterson’s filing of the [very detailed] legal brief including these pertinent disclosures and judicial disqualification order (with supporting evidence) [i.e. “ECF Doc. No. 10”] to remove the two judges from his court proceedings– (a U.S. Code created and enforced by U.S. Congress with mandatory federal law, which cannot be repealed or overruled by any judge, magistrate, or justice)– Judge Boulware dismissed Peterson’s case, and entered a “judgment against” the plaintiff, Peterson, “in favor of Defendants,” and dismissed Peterson’s [ECF Doc. No. 10] motion to recuse himself, after indisputably being confronted with disqualifying interests that welcomed bias and prejudice in the ‘Peterson-Doe’ civil action, that had been affirmed by FEC.Gov political donor records.

Thus, the ‘Peterson v. Doe 1’ civil action defendants included “John Doe 1,” “Federal Bureau of Prisons,” “FDC SeaTac,” “FCI Sheridan,” BOP wardens “Israel Jacquez” and “Josias Salazar,” several DOJ and court employees (e.g. Patricia Dodszuweit; Justin Lauby; Thomas Moreno; Mark E. Coyne) who were aiding and abetting ‘John Doe 1′ (according to court evidence), “Foster Garvey P.C.” (Primary Defendant Doe 1’s employer and Bernie Sanders’ general counsel), and “Bernie 2020” (Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign committee)– who at no time acknowledged to the copies of service on Peterson’s complaint and subpoenas filed and sent months prior; nor had any attorney entered ‘notice of appearance’ on their behalf, despite court papers showing emails between Peterson, and BOP attorneys and FDC Warden Jacquez, between May and September ’20.

Besides the fact that “Bernie 2020 Inc.” is listed as a co-defendant, the court record shows that Sanders’ administration and Bernie Sanders’ attorney Brad Deutsch at Foster Garvey (formerly Garvey Schubert Barer), and Peterson had a neutral-to-good (non-litigious) history related to the 2016 elections, that began January 2015, before Sanders announced his presidential bid, April 30.

However, due to a (non-political) issue in the controversy between a mutual associate [“TK”] who was a client of Peterson’s firm and Deutsch’s firm, related to a penny stock company (nonevent) transaction ‘gone-south,’ 2013, an “associate” at Foster Garvey [“Shubert”] seemingly filed “federal [criminal] charges” against Peterson according to their mutual associate’s assertions on-court record, despite the DOJ denying this ever occurred; and FEC’s associate director stating that it was only a whistleblower complaint to the FEC against Peterson’s PAC, not himself. (Whereas, Bernie Sanders’ attorney Brad Deutsch told CQ Rollcall, March 18, 2016, that he had no plans on filing any complaint or legal action against Peterson or his PAC.)

Peterson and Deutsch are (both) registered lobbyists on Capitol Hill [i.e. both houses of U.S. Congress]; both supported Sanders’ 2016 presidential bid, and are active in lobbying activities on the legalization of marijuana; Peterson and his lobbying firm represented the (unofficial) 2016 Bernie Sanders political action committee, Americans Socially United PAC (formerly Bet on Bernie 2016 and Ready for Bernie Sanders 2016); Deutsch at Foster Garvey (law office) represented the official Bernie Sanders campaigns in 2016 and 2020.

At first, Peterson’s Bernie PAC and Bernie Sanders’ official campaign team [both] used ActBlue (super PAC) to raise monies from political donors. But in late 2015, Peterson’s PAC and ActBlue clashed on large celebrity donors’ contributions (i.e. donor harvesting and commandeering), which spotlighted Peterson’s pro-Sanders PAC in the news media by late 2015 (https://news.yahoo.com/news/pro-bernie-sanders-pac-confronts-091955539.html).

At present, public records at Federal Election Commission demonstrate a showing that Judges Weksler and Boulware have financial interests in Bernie 2016, Bernie 2020, and ActBlue pursuant to Title 28 of U.S. Code, Section 455. In addition, Peterson’s affidavit confronted the fact that both judges were approved for employment by the U.S. District Court by U.S. Senator Bernard Sanders, which also demonstrates a financial interest.

Ironically, many of the acting judges’ on Peterson’s case, [also] have conflicting relationships with persons who are former donors or social media followers of Peterson’s pro-Sanders PAC (Americans Socially United) that had more Facebook followers than the population of Miami, Fl., more Twitter followers than the population of Alaska, and more Instagram followers than people on the island of Guam, according to a poll-watch organization’s report, Aug. ’15 (https://news.yahoo.com/poliwatch-bernie-sanders-vs-donald-110731927.html). And the fake news on uncharged or unfounded claims that the PAC defrauded Sanders supporters and actor Daniel (“James Bond”) Craig didn’t help Peterson’s situation.

Peterson told the court that there are several judges at the U.S. District Court for the Nevada District who did not have disqualifying relationships as Judges Boulware and Weksler, thus would not place the court under any “undue hardship”; as well requested that the case be transferred to the federal courthouse in Reno ‘to avoid any future interference with the administration of justice on a (very) high-priority matter of public interest’– pertaining to himself, but also over 100,000 federal prisoners who have merit to join his civil litigation due to the fact that they were incarcerated in BOP custody at the time the COVID-19 pandemic was declared by President Donald J. Trump, and the CARES Act was established and adopted by Bureau of Prisons and the Department of Justice, to provide qualifying elderly or non-violent prisoners to home confinement or ‘compassionate release.’ This even includes former MLB all-star Esteban Loaiza who is jailed in the same unit as Peterson.


Last week, media representatives were notified about a lawsuit (https://tinyurl.com/peterson-barr-email) filed by political activist “Cary Lee Peterson” and several political coalitions, against President Donald J. Trump and Attorney General William Barr, at the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, regarding COVID-19 federal prison conditions, AG Barr’s vindictive and selective prosecution measures against blacks (which contradicted Barr’s July 28 testimony on systemic racism and racial inequality before Congress’ House Judiciary Committee), and other time-sensitive matters related to the 2020 General Election (i.e. “10508 CITIZENS” and 52 U.S.C. 10508).

USPS Certified Mail records conveyed to news-media show that (both) President Trump and AG Barr had been served with a copy of Peterson’s civil complaint, as well as forwarding of electronic copies of service on Peterson’s legal complaint that’s over 200 pages (after including the supporting exhibits).

However, at the moment, no record of this new (related) complaint served to AG Bill Barr and President Trump has appeared on the D.C. District Court’s docket (or PACER System). And neither the attorney general or President Trump’s offices have mentioned it, despite the COVID-19 virus [now] being a ‘personal issue’ for the American head-of-state and the First Lady Melania Trump, who apparently were wished well regards on recovery by Bernie Sanders [himself], last weekend, while he was campaigning in New Hampshire on behalf of Trump’s opposition Joe Biden.

This morning, in an open letter to the press, Peterson’s publicist Amanda Liu comments: “It’s a pity Sanders’ and his political supporters abuse legislative and judicial powers for political and personal interests to disserve public interest protected under the Constitution…the FBI and “Doe 1″…or should I say “Foster Garvey Schubert,” and the FBI associate director who Mr. Peterson was in communication with while they were in Albania weeks prior to all of this fabricated ‘Bernie-drama’ beginning and causing his prosecution…a tragic circumstance driven by hate and racism…without a doubt incited controversy between Peterson, and these hundreds of thousands of people who were compelled to believe Peterson’s PAC defrauded them or their relatives off for political donations, even though fake news never became real litigation in a courtroom, or ever proven by the government in any way. This explains all of the federal judges acting as omnipotent officials…or more appropriately called virtual representatives…this is not the first [or fifth] time they [meaning pro-Sanders judges and Garvey’s ‘John Doe’] has tried something like this in a federal courthouse. But Mr. Peterson’s friends in the intelligence community have helped red flag these acts of tyranny and unsound behavior from this inexplicable public nuisance that continues to disrupt the court of law, and the interest of justice by means of cowardly, clandestine acts that speak for themselves…you can’t make this sort of thing up.”

Liu stated that Peterson and his legal associates have confronted Nevada District’s Chief District Judge Miranda M. Du regarding this matter. And they will be making necessary filings to the federal courthouses in Nevada, Washington, D.C., and the Third and Ninth federal circuits, who are aware (and very associated) with the (related) D.C. and Nevada lawsuits; and we’re supposed to adjudge Peterson’s emergency COVID-19 [Doc. 115] motion by Sep. 14, according to court records in the Third Circuit, who were questioned on whether they had jurisdiction to continue hearing a direct appeal case that was still open in the U.S. District Court for the New Jersey District, without a final judgment entered on Peterson’s May 10, 2019 (ex-parte) sentencing hearing.


Media Contact:
Amanda Liu (publicist)
Robert Peterson & Fields Associates
[T:] +1 (213) 986-4414; or
[E:] [email protected]


Coronavirus Prison Outbreak in Seattle FDC Black & Hispanic BOP inmates exposed to (Sep. 11, 2020) https://apnews.com/globe-newswire/e6e339872cef83466d3bf2bd18a35349

COVID infections hit 31 inmates and 6 staff at federal detention center in SeaTac (Aug. 28, 2020) https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/health/covid-infections-hit-31-inmates-and-6-staff-at-federal-detention-center-in-seatac/

Black Political Prisoner Seeks Bail Pending Appeal After COVID-19 Infection Attack at Seattle FDC https://finance.yahoo.com/news/black-political-prisoner-seeks-bail-081700180.html

Black Political Prisoner Seeks Bail Pending Appeal After COVID-19 Infection Attack at Seattle FDC (Aug. 28, 2020) https://apnews.com/press-release/globenewswire-mobile/5fe88f3947630419dfc3fd9914c8eaec  

George Floyd (LEPS) Act 2020 Bill Prop. Filed with Congress by Political Prisoner Near CHOP/CHAZ (Jul. 17, 2020) https://emwnews.com/george-floyd-leps-act-2020-bill-prop-filed-with-congress-by-political-prisoner-near-chop-chaz

Court order denying release of political prisoner leads to demand for liberty or death sentence (Oct. 15, 2019https://apnews.com/4890b4e27b462ba5852cb689439fada1

FBI agree to release classified reports on lobbyist tied to Bernie Sanders Scandal (Sep. 25, 2019) http://news.yahoo.com/fbi-agree-release-classified-reports-165824979.html

Fed Judge Helps US Attorney Leak Bank Records into New Jersey Jail (Jan. 4, 2019) https://emwnews.com/fed-judge-helps-us-attorney-leak-bank-records-into-new-jersey-jail/

Public Notice – Civil Action Filed for Data Breach; Cary Lee Peterson v. Foster Garvey P.C., et al. (D.C. Cir.) https://www.einpresswire.com/article/503866983/public-notice-civil-action-filed-for-data-breach-cary-lee-peterson-v-foster-garvey-p-c-et-al-d-c-cir

New World Order Politics Video Interview with Cary Lee Peterson (Sep. 2016)

*Corrections or updates to this news content have been made per request by one or more of the litigants of the legal actions discussed above. Thereby, shall the Fair Reporting Privilege be applied to this material for the public interest.

Keywords: cary lee Peterson, Donald j trump lawsuit, Amy Barrett nomination, William Barr lawsuit, trump Barr lawsuit, Barr testimony, Donald trump 2020, election lawsuit, judicial misconduct, covid-19 prison outbreak, Cary Peterson, Floyd Act 2020, Floyd Resolution Act, CHOP, CHAZ, George Floyd, Robert Peterson Fields Associates, Federal Circuit Court, Act of Congress, Business, Government, Legal, Media, Floyd Act 2020, Civil Rights

Jordan Taylor

Jordan Taylor is Sr. Editor & writer from San Diego, CA. With over 20 years and 2650+ articles edited rest assured your Press Release will see traction.

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